
Praying Backwards: Transform Your Prayer Life by Beginning in Jesus’ Name is unavailable, but you can change that!

Christians often say, "In Jesus' name" to close their prayers. But is this truly a desire of the heart or a perfunctory "Yours Truly" to God? Bryan Chapell says we should begin our prayers in Jesus' name-we should be Praying Backwards. In this practical and inspiring book, he shows readers that to truly pray in Jesus' name is to reorder one's priorities in prayer-and in life-away from oneself and...

for certain who is right? Will God simply answer the one whose prayers are best and whose faith is greatest? Surely we have to depend on wisdom greater than our own when we pray. But how do we reconcile this instinctive understanding of the limits of our prayers with the Bible’s teaching about praying for whatever we want? Something in us whispers that it is not right to treat our God like a celestial vending machine into which we place faith nickels to get the jackpot we want. Such faith would seem
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